You can add:
The layout uses spacing efficiently and has easily distinguishable elements and blocks.
Prominent section titles, article lists, and buttons match your branding.
The footer has customizable links for social media.
Post lists display easily distinguishable individual posts.
Clear design and spacing allow quicker navigation through search results. The Filter menu is optimized for accessibility.
All pages align with your chosen style (fonts, colors, icons).
We can help you add other changes. Get a free consultation from us.
Formatting options Built-in
Make your content more attractive and convenient to read.
Buy extension
Side navigation $299
Display categories, sections, and articles on inner pages.
Table of Contents $299
Highlight titles of relevant sections as users scroll articles.
Alerts $199
Add simple, customizable, and responsive notifications.
Popular searches $129
Show popular searches to help your customers find key articles.
Installation Free
Don’t spend time installing the theme. Our team will do it for you.
Customization Custom
Make your help center look bespoke and add elements not offered by Zendesk
Protection plans From $380
Protect your help center against unexpected issues
Email branding $249
Help your customers recognize your Zendesk emails in the inbox
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